Prevention of sexual abuse
Sexual abuse can lead to long-lasting, even life-long, consequences and is a serious problem on an individual,
familial and societal level. Therefore, prevention measures on different levels are a public health issue. Minors as well
as adults should be involved in prevention work in order to prevent sexual abuse of minors in a sustainable way.
Besides norms, structures and values in society, the respective laws as well as attitudes and structures should be
changed and amended in such a way that abusers and the abuse are clearly confronted everywhere. In the last
decades, numerous prevention programs for victims have been developed for various target groups (e.g. parenting
education classes, home-visiting programs, public education, training sessions for teachers, E-Learning Programs of
the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research and the Centre for Child Protection). Many of these
programs have proven partially effective. Nevertheless, until now there is no consensus in the scientific community
on what constitutes effectiveness in this context. Reasons for this are the discrepancies in definitions or the scarcity
of attention which the evaluation of prevention measures has received.